Thursday, April 12, 2012

Optical Coherence Tomography OCT

Optical Coherence Tomography, or OCT, is one of the most widely used diagnostic tests in medicine. An OCT test is a tissue-imaging technique that has amazing resolution. Older generation technology called time-domain OCT allowed for resolution on the order of 8-10 microns. Newer technology, called spectral-domain OCT, has increased resolution to 5 microns. This is particularly useful for imaging the layers of the retina. It can also measure the optic nerve and the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, as well as the cornea, the anterior chamber, and the crystalline lens of the eye.

OCT testing has revolutionized the way that eye care providers diagnose retinal conditions. Conditions previously invisible upon examination are easily seen with the OCT. Early macular holes, vitreomacular traction syndrome, and subtle macular edema are all easily diagnosed now with this new technology.

OCT is also used frequently when diagnosing and treating glaucoma patients. The ability to measure any thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer can help confirm the diagnosis of glaucoma. The repeatability of the OCT also helps monitor for any subtle changes in the status of the glaucoma.

OCT can also be used when imaging the anterior chamber angle, which is where the drain of the eye sits. The anatomy of the anterior chamber angle can influence the risk of developing glaucoma. If it is determined that the angle is narrow by OCT the risk for glaucoma may be greater.

As technology advances and resolution capabilities continue to improve, we may be able to diagnose conditions even earlier than we do now. For more information on OCT testing or to schedule an appointment, contact D'Ambrosio Eye Care at 800-325-3937. You may also request an appointment at