It is that time of year again when it is time to decide how to spend that unused money in your flexible spending accounts before it expires. What better way than to get yourself or someone in your family a new pair of eyeglasses, especially for all those upcoming holiday parties. We have a lot of new technology that was released throughout this year. Transitions® Lenses come in 3 colors now, the grey and brown along with a classic graphite green color. We have new lens materials available to us that include many new options for digital eyestrain and we have chosen to continue offering our NEADs lens packages. When these lens packages are purchased part of the proceeds goes directly to NEADs (National Education for Assistance Dog Services) and you also get a toy stuffed dog puppy to take home, just in time for the holidays.
So please stop in any of locations anytime to talk with our licensed Opticians about what new solutions we have to meet your visual needs. If you have questions or need assistance with eyewear selection or fitting please feel free to contact us by calling 800-325-3937, visiting D’Ambrosio Optical Center, Google+ or so that we can help.